Tag: learning English tips

  • 14 Do’s and Don’ts of Making English Anki Cards

    14 Do’s and Don’ts of Making English Anki Cards

    Vocabulary memorization is the foundation of English language learning, and Anki is the best way to memorize vocabulary. There are good ways to use Anki, and bad ways to use Anki. Let’s get better at memorizing new words and look at 9 do’s and don’ts of making English Anki cards! If you don’t know how…

  • How to Make Anki Flashcards for Difficult English Vocabulary

    How to Make Anki Flashcards for Difficult English Vocabulary

    You should know by now that using pictures to learn vocabulary is far better than the translation method because it builds direct connections in the brain and improves memory, so every flashcard you make ought to have a picture. Now, that’s easy if the word is “ball”, but it can be quite a challenge with…

  • 5 Ways to Improve your Reading Comprehension

    5 Ways to Improve your Reading Comprehension

    Getting better at reading isn’t just as simple as “Read a lot!”  It’s a constant process of reading and getting feedback.  Without feedback, we don’t know if we understand what we are reading correctly or not.  This is meaningful reading.  Feedback is the key to success when improving reading comprehension. Let’s look at 5 different…

  • How to Improve Pronunciation: The Pronunciation Process

    How to Improve Pronunciation: The Pronunciation Process

    Introducing How to Improve Pronunciation Knowing how to improve pronunciation is really helpful in language learning.  Lots of language learners struggle with the process of pronunciation, which can slow down their learning.  Teachers also need to know the pronunciation process to know how to improve pronunciation in their students.  We often just think it’s “listen-say”,…

  • The Beginners Guide to Making Anki Cards for Vocabulary

    The Beginners Guide to Making Anki Cards for Vocabulary

    This is it! This is what you need to know to make effective and efficient Anki cards to help you memorize new vocabulary. The information here has been tried and tested by many language learners like you and proven useful. If you are wondering how to get started with Anki or improve how you use…

  • 4 Common Mistakes English Learners Make

    4 Common Mistakes English Learners Make

    Wondering if you are making some mistakes? Looking for things to avoid? Or maybe you just want to practice English and you don’t care what this article is about? 🤣 Well, no matter why you’re here, we are going to talk about 4 common mistakes English learners make. If you want to talk about something…

  • 7 Great English Learning Resources (besides textbooks)

    7 Great English Learning Resources (besides textbooks)

    What are English learning resources? English learning resources help expose you to English. We recently talked about English learning tools, and it can be confusing to figure out the difference between an English learning tool and an English learning resource. The difference between a resource and a tool is that a resource gives you things…

  • How to Learn English Grammar: 4 Do’s and Don’ts

    How to Learn English Grammar: 4 Do’s and Don’ts

    Struggling with English grammar? We all are. But these 4 tips will help you do it right!

  • 5 Fun Ways to Practice Speaking English

    Are you looking for some fun ways to practice speaking English? Do you want to improve your pronunciation, vocabulary and fluency without getting bored? If you answered yes, then this blog post is for you! Here are some enjoyable ways to practice speaking English simply. Don’t get confused with our recent post on practicing speaking…

  • How to Practice Speaking English on Your Own

    How to Practice Speaking English on Your Own

    Nothing is better than practicing speaking with a well-trained English teacher. But we don’t always have access to one. So how can we practice speaking English without them? Besides the usual “talk to natives” and “find a speaking partner” ideas (which are good), we’re going to look at a few things you can practice speaking…