Tag: English blog

  • Why to Take English Lessons Online

    Why to Take English Lessons Online

    It’s an important topic. A lot of ELLs are anxious before taking online lessons for the first time, the same way they were anxious before their first day of school. New is scary. But this feeling ought to be overcome because there are many reasons why to take English lessons online. Time The one thing…

  • ESL Trends: Authentic Content and CLIL

    ESL Trends: Authentic Content and CLIL

    This is our first ever post on ESL trends, so let’s start by discussing what this is about.  A “trend” is something that is becoming a commonly discussed topic and becoming popular to do.  An “ESL trend” is a recent movement or change in the way English is taught around the world.  As ELLs, it’s…

  • Building English Fluency: A Story that Teaches Us About the Brain

    Building English Fluency: A Story that Teaches Us About the Brain

    A simple story of a simple fisherman in Africa has a lot to teach us about building English fluency. Read on to learn from this man’s wisdom. In a little village, in the middle of nowhere in Africa, there was a man. He was quiet. He watched more than he showed and listened more than…

  • How to Pick What Words to Learn

    How to Pick What Words to Learn

    English has around a million words. That’s ten words for every hair on your head. While only one hundred and fifty thousand of those words are in use, it’s still more than the hairs on your head. It’s too many! So how do we pick which of those words to learn? There is a handful…

  • What, Why, and How of Making Analogies in English

    What, Why, and How of Making Analogies in English

    A hands on article helping teach the use of analogies in English for English language learners.

  • 7 Great English Learning Resources (besides textbooks)

    7 Great English Learning Resources (besides textbooks)

    What are English learning resources? English learning resources help expose you to English. We recently talked about English learning tools, and it can be confusing to figure out the difference between an English learning tool and an English learning resource. The difference between a resource and a tool is that a resource gives you things…

  • Learning English and Time Management: Prioritizing

    Learning English and Time Management: Prioritizing

    Welcome back! In the last post we talked about setting time goals, but goals don’t mean anything if you don’t know how to reach them, and time doesn’t mean anything if you don’t use it correctly. So how can you make sure you reach your goals of spending time on English and using your time…

  • Learning English and Time Management: Setting Time Goals

    Learning English and Time Management: Setting Time Goals

    As learners of new languages, it’s easy for us to see that time management goes a long way in helping us grow.  When we don’t manage our time well, our language acquisition slows to a grind, or possibly even to a halt, but when we make careful use of our time, we steadily make progress.…

  • IELTS: A Healthy Approach

    IELTS: A Healthy Approach

    Read about a few solutions to the challenges of trying to pass the IELTS exam: putting English first, being patient, and having the right mindset!

  • IELTS: Dangers and Pitfalls to ELLs

    IELTS: Dangers and Pitfalls to ELLs

    Now that we know both sides of the IELTS coin, what mistakes can we make when approaching IELTS? English language learners (ELLs) like you face many dangers because of IELTS.  None of them are actually IELTS’s fault, but they do exist because of IELTS.  The same problems exist around other testing systems, not only like…