Morning Walk

A man taking a morning walk on a paved walkway

The sun is coming up from behind the far-away mountains, but it’s hiding behind a thin layer of clouds and fog. This keeps the air in the morning cool, and a layer of fog is spread out over the river valley. It’s the perfect time for a refreshing morning walk.

Now, there’s an old man who enjoys his morning walk very much. The sun looks beautiful and bright in the sky, and the clouds are soft and fluffy like cotton candy. But these things are not the old man’s favorite part of his morning walk.

Along the river, which is surrounded by hills and mountains, there’s a lovely path to walk on. It has rope railings to keep people on the path, and the path is smooth and easy to walk on because it’s paved. On both sides of the railings, there are lots of different plants like grass, bushes, and trees. This vegetation keeps the old man company during his walk, but they are not his very favorite part of the morning walk.

You can hear the birds singing and chirping in the trees. They land on the branches near the river for a little rest and then swoop down over the river to catch the bugs that come out in the morning. With each swoop, they gracefully grab a bug or maybe even two, and then they fly back up to their nests in the larger trees, farther away from the river, to feed their little baby birds. Some nests are small, and some are big, like the one almost directly in front of the old man, slightly to the left, high up in the tree. The birds are beautiful and sound amazing, and the old man loves them, but they are not his most favorite part of his morning walk.

A gentle breeze moves through the plants and makes rustling sounds as it shakes and bends the plants. It carries the fresh smell of the river with it as it blows across the path and down the valley. The old man always welcomes the breeze, as it feels like it breathes new life into him. However, the breeze is not his very most favorite part of his morning walk.

The trees are all unique, just like people. No two trees look exactly the same. Some trees are short and round with many thick branches, while others are tall and thin with only a few slender branches. Some trees grow straight, like a broomstick, while others grow crooked, like the veins in your wrists. Some trees sway a lot in the breeze, and some seem to stand very still. Some trees are old and have been there for as long as the old man has walked this path, while others are young and have only been growing for a few years. The trees are all special in their own way, but they are not his absolute favorite part of his morning walk.

The faraway mountains, which earlier were like a big wall that the sun had to climb over before shining on the valley, create a beautiful scene. Large trees on the mountains give them a fuzzy, textured appearance, and places without trees look like they’ve been shaved. Some mountains have sharp, pointy peaks, while others have gentle slopes. They surround the entire valley in all directions, and they feel like a protective wall for everyone walking inside them. The mountains are truly beautiful and strong, but they are not his most absolute favorite part of his morning walk.

So, what is it? What could be better than all of these wonderful things?

It’s his heartbeat. Every morning, as the old man wakes up, gets dressed, and heads out the door, he goes for a walk. As he walks, he feels his heart beating inside his chest. It’s not strong or loud, but it’s there. He walks a little faster than usual to get his heart beating a bit faster than it does throughout the day. This is the best thing for him. His doctor says it’s the best medicine for his heart. It works better than any of the pills he had to take after his heart attack fifteen years ago. There’s nothing he loves more on his morning walk than his own heartbeat. His heart is like a reassuring friend that reminds him he’s alive and well, enjoying the beauty of nature around him on his morning walk, and raising his heartbeat feels to him like he is giving his best friend a hug.