I Spy: Cluttered Mechanic’s Shop (A Vocab Game)

A picture of a cluttered mechanic's shop.

It’s time again to play a round of I Spy, a favorite vocab game!  Last time, we found things lying around our desks, this time we’re looking through the clutter in a mechanic’s shop!

I can’t say I am impressed by this mechanic’s organizational skills, but I must say that he obviously has been working as a mechanic for many years!

Don’t pretend like you don’t have clutter in your house.  Every house gets cluttered.  Where there are humans, there is clutterClutter is lots of stuff that gets in the way because it’s not put away. But the good thing about clutter that it lets us play an vocab game.

Anyways, do you remember the rules of “I Spy”?  Normally, you play it with kids and look around, choose an object, and say, “I spy with my little eye something red.”  And then the kids try to guess what red thing you are talking about.  When they guess right, it’s their turn.

Well, that won’t work for us for obvious reasons, so the way we do it is this: you have 3 minutes to find as many of the things from the list as you can.  It’s that easy! 

See full image.

So as soon as you are ready, start the timer and look for them in the picture.  Ready?  (Don’t forget to have a dictionary or translator nearby!) Go!

  • I spy a long, yellow, extension cord hanging from a ventilation pipe.
  • I spy four tires with for different treads.
  • I spy a road sign that’s not by the road.
  • I spy two, red tool chests on wheels next to each other.
  • I spy a red and a yellow funnel with a black bucket in between.
  • I spy a step ladder with only three steps.
  • I spy a lunchbox sitting on its edge.
  • I spy a bell hanging from a chain.
  • I spy a set of black and yellow speakers sitting on a shelf.
  • I spy a large C-clamp, backwards on the wall.
  • I spy three rolls of tape, one clear, one silver, one white.
  • I spy a square, white bucket beside a bunch of brooms.
  • I spy red earmuffs used to keep your ears sharp.
  • I spy a license plate behind a yellow saw.
  • I spy a black crate filled white spray cans.
  • I spy two wagon wheels that should go back to the 19th century.
  • I spy a pipe, that spans from floor to ceiling.
  • I spy two old, worn books, hanging from the shelf.
  • I spy three identical bottles of motor oil, all touching a black box.
  • I spy tangled up wires and other small objects near a shiny paint can.
  • I spy a bench clamp on a bench that’s covered in junk.
  • I spy a green lamp that’s on, and a matching green lamp that’s off.
  • I spy a life saver, that has no business in this shop!

That’s it!  There are 23 items in the list, so, if you got them all before the 3-minute timer went off, you took less than 8 seconds per item! 

Share how many things you found and challenge your friends to play this vocab game!