How to Cook Coconut Beef

You really have to try this new recipe I tried the other day.  It’s super good.  I found it on the internet.

Before you get cooking, make sure you have the right ingredients.  You need shredded coconut, coriander, ground beef, oil, spices, and potatoes.

Put the ground beef in a big bowl and mix in the oil.  You’ll mix the other ingredients in later.  Put the shredded coconut in a small bowl.  You’ll add that last.

First, wash the potatoes.  You don’t want any of the dirt to get into your food.  Then peal them.  The skin should not be a part of this recipe.  Then chop them up and put them in a pot to boil until they are softer.

While the potatoes are being boiled, wash the coriander in a strainer in the sink.  After you rinse it, chop it up into tiny pieces.  You need a sharp knife and a cutting board for that.

Mix the chopped coriander into the ground beef and add the other spices.  You can use your hands to work them evenly into the meat.  Don’t let it clump in any one spot or someone will get a big surprise!

Now the potatoes should be ready.  Strain them in the strainer, too, and then dump them into the large bowl with the ground beef.  We had to soften them first because they take longer to cook.  Mix them in evenly, but be careful because they might still be hot!

Put the beef and potato mixture in an oven dish and sprinkle the coconut on top of the mixture.  Gently push the coconut into the beef so that nothing sticks out and gets burned, but don’t push it deep in.  Just make it a smooth covering.

Now, put it in the oven on 180° Celsius until the ground beef is thoroughly cooked.

Voila! Coconut beef for dinner!

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