A Tropical Beach

This beach is a dream vacation destination for thousands a people around the world.  It’s simply perfect.  What a wonderful place to relax!  Who wouldn’t want to get away from the hustle and bustle of modern life by going here?

Can you describe what this beach looks like?  Before reading on, imagine you just got back from this picturesque place and now you’re talking to a friend about what it looked like.  Tell every detail you can!


Ok, let’s read this description and see if there are any similarities:

“That was the best vacation I’ve ever had.  What a beautiful beach!  The beach was clean, no trash anywhere to be seen.  The only thing on the beach besides the waves that kept crashing on the sand were the footprints left by happy people walking along the shore.  Even those were washed away by the waves every day, though!

I love the palm trees.  They are so tall and beautiful.  When the wind blows, their trunks bend, but don’t break, and the wind makes a rustling sound as it moves through their pointy leaves.  At their bases there are mounds of sand that look like they are holding these trees up.  Every once in a while, the natives climb the palm trees to get the round, coconuts at the top.  How delicious the coconut milk was!

I usually sat under one of the thatch roofs near the shore because most of the time it was sunny.  My skin is sensitive.  But I remember one time, it was sunset, and there were clouds on the horizon.  The tops of the clouds were orange, pink, and red from the setting sun, but under the clouds it was dark gray.  I saw the flash of lightning as the storms over the ocean raged and the clouds poured out their water.  I’m so glad I wasn’t out on one of their little boats in those storms!

If you get a chance, you have to go there!  I was there for only 7 days.  If I only had more time!  If I were you I’d start planning how to convince your boss to give you a 2-week vacation!”

Can you describe your dream vacation spot?

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